Stewart Isaacs
I am postdoctoral fellow in the Aeronautics and Astronautics Department at MIT. I hold a PhD and SM in Aeronautics and Astronautics from MIT and a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University.
My research is dedicated to addressing the intersection of climate change and societal inequities through the development of novel clean energy systems. By leveraging computational techniques from disciplines such as remote sensing, atmospheric science, aerodynamics, and energy systems modeling, my work develops the insights and technologies needed for a just and sustainable energy transition.
My research has been supported by the Martin Family Society of Fellows for Sustainability, the Hugh Hampton Young Memorial Fund Fellowship, and the NASA Strategic University Research Program. Through collaborations directly with community partners, local researchers and NGOs, I have helped establish locally-built solar-powered systems in rural areas within several countries in Asia and Africa.
Outside of academic work, I am also a world champion jump roper that has taught and performed around the world.
- Email: sisaacs@mit.edu
- URL: https://www.stewartisaacs.com/