Mizanul Chowdhury
Mizanul Hoq Chowdhury is a seasoned engineer, scientist, and educator with a diverse career spanning multiple disciplines and industries. A proud BUET gold medalist from batch ’84, he began his professional journey as an Assistant Drilling Engineer at Schlumberger in Bangladesh. He later pursued an MS in Natural Gas Engineering at Texas A&M Kingsville (1991-1993), which paved the way for his role as a Valve Design Engineer at Nordstrom Valve Inc. in Texas (1994-2000).
From 2001 to 2012, he served as a Cybersecurity Expert with the U.S. Department of Defense. Following that, he became a System Admin and Architect for NASA-funded Zero Robotics at MIT’s Space Systems Laboratory (2013-2020). Subsequently, he contributed as a Technical Lead at MIT Lincoln Laboratory (2021-2023) and continues to serve as a Technical Fellow and Support Admin for Technology Roadmap initiatives at MIT’s Engineering Systems Lab.
Currently, he works in combat electronic warfare and provides technical support leadership for Zero Robotics at MIT Space Enabled. He is also the Founder and CTO of STEMX365.org, passionately advancing STEM education globally, with a special focus on underrepresented communities. His organization launched the NASA-JAXA Kibo Robot Programming Challenge (KRPC) in Bangladesh, an initiative analogous to MIT Zero Robotics. Under his supervision and training, Bangladeshi students secured 2nd and 3rd positions in the KRPC worldwide in 2021 and 2024, respectively. In this program, students write code to instruct NASA’s Astrobee robot to fix simulated leaks and locate hidden objects aboard the ISS.
In addition to his professional achievements, he is a well-known singer and fine artist. In his professional life, he is often regarded as a “Renaissance Man.”
- Email: mizanul@mit.edu
- URL: https://sites.mit.edu/mizanul/