Billy Kline

SM Candidate

Billy is a Space Operations Officer in the U.S. Space Force and a second-year master’s student studying Aeronautics and Astronautics at MIT. As a military fellow at the MIT Lincoln Laboratory, he works on research projects related to space and national defense. He is currently researching the application of machine learning to orbit estimation to reduce the false positive rate for collision warnings in space. Previously, he spent two summers as a research intern at Vyoma, a space traffic management automation company, where he developed a thermal model for Vyoma’s satellites and investigated the application of intellectual property law to the space domain. He also has experience in computational cosmology research through his senior project at Yale, where he used SatGen, a semi-analytical model for generating satellite galaxies in Python, to determine the physical processes (such as dynamical friction and tidal stripping) impacting the splashback radius of dark matter subhaloes.